Herbalife distributor partnership programme

Attention all Herbalife Distributors

Are you looking for a highly effective, low risk way to promote your business on the world wide web?
Would you like to take advantage of the Internet revolution and build an Ecommerce business?

The World Wide Web is here to stay and Ecommerce is certainly the way of the future.

Bill Gates of Microsoft is alleged to have said that in the 21st Century there will only be two types of businesses: those on the Internet and those that are bankrupt!

To allow you to take advantage of the Internet revolution and make the most of the huge sales potential without the hassle and cost of building your own website, we are offering 3 fantastic solutions.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries concerning any aspect of the service we are offering.


Why Join Health4us website Programme?

The service we offer is, in our opinion simply the best.
Our website www.health4us.co.uk has already proved itself successful with retail sales of Herbalife products thanks to its secure online shopping facilities.

We do not just give you access to our professional website – we also offer you the tools to catapult your business into the “fast lane”.

It is a popular misconception that being on the World Wide Web guarantees success – Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Having a presence on the web is merely the starting point. We provide you with the tools and knowledge to make it successful. This is why we are unique.

Question: If you owned the best shop in the world would you put it at the end of a quiet cul de sac and expect it to be busy all the time?
The obvious answer is NO – and we’re here to make sure your business has the chance to get maximum exposure.

We are Independent Herbalife Distributors with more than ten years experience and know the importance of building a sound retail customer base.

With the expansion of the World Wide Web as an effective way of increasing global sales, we have developed a professional website that will match it step for step. 
Using a top class design team and the most up-to-date technology has enabled us to launch a website which is 

   *  professional
   *  effective
   *  user friendly

Our policy is to give 100% support to our partners by providing the tools to make your Ecommerce business successful. You can also be safe in the knowledge that we are constantly looking at new ways to help you expand your retail business. 

We appreciate that each Distributor has different reasons for wanting to be on the web and so we tailor our service to meet your precise needs – adjusting the service as your business grows. 

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