Option 3

available as over subscribed

    Features everything from Option 1, 2  and 3

Option 1 Features

When a web user types in your personal domain name e.g. www.diet.com, www.herbal-products.co.uk they will be directed straight to the page of your choice on www.health4us.co.uk.

If you do not have a Domain name, we will offer you our Domain Registration Service which includes the registration of a Domain Name with the appropriate parties and any work associated with diverting your customers to the health4us page of your choice.

We shall attempt to complete the Domain Name registration process within fourteen days. Until the registration process is complete, your chosen Domain Name could be registered by another party. If for this, or any other reason your chosen Domain Name is not available, your contract with us will remain in full force and effect and we will simply contact you to agree a suitable alternative Domain name.

If you already have your own Domain name but no website associated with it, you can still take advantage of our service. We will give you the information to notify your Domain hosting company so that your Domain name will direct your website users to the health4us page of your choice.

If you have your own Herbalife website but cannot sell products online, we will supply you with the script needed to take advantage of our service.

You have 24 hour a day access to real-time statistics on the number of people you have introduced i.e. how many people have clicked into the website.

You can monitor your sales around the clock thanks to real-time sales statistics.
Click Here to view the statistics page.

We will take all Credit Card payments and charge you 5% to cover administration costs and Bank charges.

Links on other websites. This facility will enable you to add your website address to other websites and web directories both on and offline. 

Option 2 Features

Customer monitoring:-
Round the clock statistics on where YOUR users are coming from.  e.g :-

*  Which website they have come from.
*  Which search engine they have come through.
*  What phrase was typed in to the search engine to find your website.
*  Was the website address typed straight in to the search engine.

This information will help you discover exactly what potential customers are looking for and where visitors are coming from so that you can target your marketing more precisely and answer questions such as “are diet related web sites more productive than skin care sites”.

Click Here to view sample traffic statistics.

Option 3 Features

Site promotion:-
Without spending thousands of pounds building an Ecommerce site, you will be able to create your own online advertising material (or use ours) and promote this material to other web portals, shopping websites, business sites, health related websites etc. etc. 

24 hour a day monitoring:-
All online advertising material can be monitored around the clock to provide information including :-

*  The number of times your graphics have been shown on each affiliates website.
*  How many people have clicked on your graphics or text link and entered the website.
*  The percentage of people entering the website against the number of times the banner has been shown on the affiliates website. (known as % clickthru rate).

This will enable you to answer questions such as do “Diet” related websites produce a better cost per sale ratio than Business Directories.

Companies sometimes make unsubstantiated claims when pushing you to pay for advertising on their website e.g. your graphic will be shown 40,000 times a day. You will now be able to access accurate statistics showing how many times your banner has been shown in any period allowing you to :-

*  Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your banner range.
*  Find the best places to advertise your website on the World Wide Web.

Affiliate Programme Marketing:-
Take advantage of the benefits of Affiliate Programme Marketing.

An Affiliate Programme is a referral based marketing strategy often referred to as “revenue sharing” which can help you increase your website’s traffic and sales, by paying other website owners a commission after one of their visitors is referred to your website and makes a purchase.

You pay nothing up front. You only pay a small commission for resulting sales. Since the referred website (called the Affiliate Member) has a direct incentive to send customers to you, they will “push” your product or service.

Key Benefits with Affiliate Programme Marketing:-

*  A Powerful and Effective Network
With your Affiliate Programme Marketing Strategy, you can build a Network of websites referring high quality buying traffic to your site. Your Affiliate Members have a direct incentive to make sales for you.

*  Risk Free Advertising
With no up front costs for advertising on your Affiliate websites, you are advertising with absolutely no risk. You pay a small percentage only after you have made a sale (normally 10% of gross sale). You only pay for results. We have adopted a policy whereby all Affiliates receive the same commission rate. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this.

*  Cost Effective
Affiliate Programme Marketing is a highly profitable, very smart, marketing strategy.

*  Long Term Advertising
When your Affiliates know that they are getting paid when they refer sales to your business, your graphics and text links are on their website to stay.

*  Relationship Building
Everyone knows that developing relationships is the key to success with Internet marketing. We aim to foster highly profitable, long term relationships with Affiliates and customers alike.

By attracting affiliates who are more willing to promote your site, you create a win win situation – the more they promote your website the greater their potential for earning cash.

FAQ Option 1, 2 & 3

Why should I pay to join your scheme when I can have a free website or join a scheme for a nominal amount?

We believe that we offer real value for money.
Have you ever advertised in a free paper and been disappointed at the lack of results?
We have the services of top professionals who are experienced in all aspects of internet marketing and we use the most up to date tools to ensure that your business succeeds on the world wide web. 

Many other Companies offer you a presence on the web but few offer any monitoring or sales building tools. Facts are that some 99% of websites get hardly any traffic. Without traffic there can be no chance of any sales and this defeats the purpose of having a website.
We offer a full solution!

I already have a website but am not set up to sell online. Do I need your service?

Customers often have the choice between two or more sites selling similar products and it is a definite advantage to be able to offer online shopping facilities. It is costly and time consuming setting up your own online shopping facilities.

What is a Domain name?

A Domain name is your unique name for your website e.g. www get-thin.co.uk or www.natural-health.com.

Why do I need 24 hours a day statistics?

Without the use of gauges and statistics it is impossible to track the progress of your business. If you have these statistics you can take appropriate action to increase sales.

Do I still need to advertise my business in traditional ways e.g. adverts, flyers etc.?

Absolutely. We recommend that at least 40-60% of your advertising activities should be by “traditional” methods.

Are you able to guarantee me sales through ecommerce?

Unfortunately we cannot make such a guarantee. The level of sales is normally proportionate to the time and effort that the individual puts into his business. Back in the 1980’s there was little competition and most websites were successful. Today, there are millions of websites and therefore competition is much stronger.

How will I be notified of any sales? 

You will be emailed automatically as soon as the order is received. When the payment is confirmed, you will be again emailed and your account will be updated.

How do I know that I can trust you to pass on all my sales?

The process is fully automated.

If a surfer does not buy on his first visit to the site but buys on a subsequent visit, who is credited with the sale?

You are credited with the sale. The “cookie” is already set after the surfer visits the site for the first time – which means that all resultant sales from future visits by the surfer to the site will be accredited to you. (“Cookie” is a piece of information that identifies you as the distributor that made the sale).

Why do I have to pay commission on a sale?

The commission deducted from your sale is to cover our administration charges and the use of our credit card facilities. 

How do I get paid?

We will pay you any Monies to which you are entitled by cheque at two weekly intervals.

When do I have to dispatch the products to the customer?

Health4us operate a policy stating that products will be dispatched to the customer within 48 hours of receiving the order. We will notify you promptly of the sale so that you can comply with this policy.

What happens if I cannot dispatch the products within the stipulated time scale?

We expect our partners to abide by all our Policies – including delivery. We pride ourselves on offering excellent service to our customers and reserve the right to withdraw any Partner from our scheme who does not comply with our Policies. We reserve the right to contact customers to obtain feedback on the delivery and customer service. Please contact us if you are experiencing problems concerning product delivery.

I want to charge customers for delivery. Is this OK?

No. We have a policy of Free Delivery and we expect all our Partners to abide by this, and all our other, Policies. 

Who is responsible for customer care?

Customer care is your responsibility.

If the customer asks for a refund, who is responsible for making the refund? 

Refunds are your responsibility.

Can I change the level of service during the year?

It is only possible to upgrade your level of service during the year and you will be charged the increased fee pro-rata from the date of the application.

Can I pay the annual fee by installments?

No, we are unable to offer this facility.

If I decide to withdraw from your scheme during the year will I get a refund?

The majority of our costs are incurred in setting you up as a partner so we are unable to offer a refund. 

Can you withdraw my entry from your website?

We reserve the right to withdraw any entry which violates our Policies.

If Health4us amends or introduces a Policy with which I am not in agreement after I have signed up, do I have to abide by that policy?

Absolutely. We reserve the right to introduce / amend our Policies and expect our partners to adhere to all Policies. However, we only intend to introduce / amend Policies which will improve the service offered to our partners, customers and affiliates. 

Do Health4us guarantee to have the website on-line all the time?

We will do everything within our power to keep the site on-line. It is very rare that servers are off-line.

I am not personally sponsored by you as a Herbalife Distributor. Can I still join your programme?

Certainly. We welcome inquires from all Herbalife Distributors.

I am not a Herbalife Distributor. How do I register?

Please contact us and we will be pleased to give you all the necessary details about how you can become a Herbalife Distributor and/or how you can join our Distributor Affiliate Programme.

What is a Link?

A Link is text or graphic. When the web surfer clicks onto a Link, he/she is redirected to another point (website) on the World Wide Web.

How do I start to get Links?

You can contact other website owners, directories etc. by phone or email. Many websites have a form you can complete online – usually “ADD URL”.

What are the benefit of having Links with other websites?

Links are similar to road signs. If there are no road signs on a motorway you would not know which exit to take to reach your destination.

What is a page impression?

A page impression is each time a web page is loaded once.

What are Banner adverts?

Banner adverts are graphical adverts that can be clicked on by a surfer. Below is an example :-

Example Banner

How can I get banner adverts designed and what is the cost?

Please contact us as we are able to offer a professional Banner Design service at competitive rates.

Why do I need to monitor the banner advert? 

It is only by monitoring your banner adverts that you are able to assess which banners are working for you and which aren’t.

Who pays my Affiliates commission? When do they get paid?

Health4us pay any commissions due to your Affiliates. Cheques will be posted fortnightly.

What is the usual rate of commission offered to Affiliates?

Health4us offer 10% of the total sale as commission to Affiliates.

When a sale is made through an Affiliate, who is the sale credited to?

The sale is credited to you. You will be paid the net amount after deduction of the agreed rate of Affiliates commission (10%) and payment processing costs (currently 5%).

Do I have to pay Affiliates anything up front?

Absolutely not.

Does my Affiliate sign a contract?

The Affiliate simply agrees to Health4us Terms and Conditions.

Can I get an Affiliate if health4us or another health4us partner is on the same website or has an Affiliate agreement with the site also?

In our experience no potential Affiliate would be interested in this scenario.

Can I pay a site to add the banners?

Of course.

Why do I use banners that say health4us.co.uk when I have my own domain?

This is because Health4us is the brand name.
As the name Health4us will be a stronger brand name than your name, customers will probably already have seen it on the internet several times and will be more likely to click on it. (If you had a small shop selling IBM computers you would advertise the brand name “IBM” rather than the name of your shop if you wanted to make maximum impact!).

You only need your own Domain name for customers to type in and for your own offline and text adverts. This domain name is simply used so that your offline adverts show a user friendly address. I.e www.loseweight.com NOT something like www.health4us.co.uk/fredsmith49/.

Start Selling Online

If you want to take advantage of Option 3 service please select the domain name option from the list below (To choose a new domain name CLICK HERE to see if domain name is available) and add the item to your shopping basket.

Complete the order by filling out the online order form. You can pay by credit card online or print the order form and post health4us a cheque with the order reference clearly marked on the back.

Please select the domain name option you want to use:-

available as over subscribed

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