herbal antioxidants antioxidants herbal supplements

Herbalife antioxidants

Nutritional support for the immune system

herbal food supplements

Antioxidants help to replenish the precious nutrients lost daily through poor diet, pollution and stress.

Did you know.. we are all ingesting many thousands of different substances (chemicals, vapours, food additives etc.) every day, a great deal of which affect our well-being. 

With these circumstances in mind and despite a balanced diet, additional antioxidant support can be greatly beneficial.

Rose Ox – Herbal antioxidant food supplement  (Reference # 0139)



Antioxidant protection. Blended with an exclusive combination of herbal and vegetable extracts. Enhances the antioxidant action of other vitamins through a naturally occurring cascading effect.

30 tablets.

Rose ox herbal antioxidant

Price: �23.07  
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More InfoClick here to view more details on roseox herbal antioxidant

Shizandra Plus -  (Reference # 0022)

Shizandra Plus herbal antioxidant

Antioxidant formula using high quality Schizandra Berry concentrate. Also includes Vitamin E, Selenium and an oil soluble form of Vitamin C.

(60 tablets)

Price: �16.48 Add herbal shizandra plus to the shopping basket

More InfoView more details on shizandra plus herbal antioxidant supplement

Herbalifeline – Maintain a healthy heart
(Reference # 0065)

Formulated with Omega 3 EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids), Vitamin E and Selenium to help maintain supple joints, support proper function of the heart and circulation.

(90 capsules)

Herballifeline antioxidant supplement

Price: �27.04  Add herbalifeline to the shopping basket

More InfoMore info on Herbalifeline antioxidant supplement

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