tonics for men and women mens tonics womens tonics

tonics for men and women

Herbalife tonics for men and women

herbal tonics for men and women

Men’s tonic – If you travel long distances, have irregular or missed meals, eat high fat and high sugar foods, have little or no exercise, are stressed at work or home, consume alcohol reqularly, smoke or have a lack of sleep you could benefit from a special combination of nutrients that help support your immune system and maintain your well-being.

Women’s tonic –

Women of child-bearing age undergo monthly hormonal changes that may cause a range of minor discomforts. Our womens tonic “Tang Kuei” has gentle herbal properies and unique nutrients that have been part of a daily regime for many thousands of Chinese women, and has been for centuries, 

so why not try the benefits for yourself !

Male Factor 1000 – Exclusively for men
(Reference # 0024)



Specially developed in Switzerland as an herbal tonic for men. The powerful properties of Avena Sativa, Nettle and Ginseng have been selected to enhance performance and restore natural balance.

(60 capsules)

Male Factor 1000 - mans tonic

Price: �33.93  Add male factor 1000 to the shopping basket

More Infomore details on male factor 1000 male tonic

Tang Kuei – Superior nutritional tonic
(Reference # 0003)

Tang Kuei - womens tonic

Specially formulated to help with the challenges associated with strenuous physical exercise and for women of childbearing age. The combination of Tang Kuei (Dong Quai) and Chamomile help assist in balancing the body’s systems.

(60 tablets)

Price: �12.21 Add tang kuei to the shopping basket

More Infomore details on tank kuei ladies tonic


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